ŽEN | postrock-shoegaze-indie…& visuals

20:00 - 23:00

aka, Kassel

Das audio-visuelle all-female Kollektiv ŽEN /xzen/ hat 2010 in Zagreb gestartet. Ihre Musik basiert auf vielfältigen Genres von Post-Rock zu Shoegaze, Math-Rock, vintage Synthwave und experimentellem Elektro. ŽEN zerlegen spielerisch Geschlechterstereotypen und verbinden die Grenzen von audio- und visueller Kunst. Vorbeikommen und mitreißen lassen!

The audio-visual all-female collective ŽEN /xzen/ started in 2010 in Zagreb. Their music is informed by various genres ranging from post-rock to shoegaze, math-rock, vintage synthwave and experimental electronics. ŽEN playfully dissects gender stereotypes and connects the boundaries of audio and visual art. Come by and get carried away!

Friday/Freitag, 12.05.2023
open/offen: 20:oo / 8 p.m
start: 20:30 /8:30 p.m.
aka @ WH22 / Werner-Hilpert-Straße 22, Kassel


Video links u.a.:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsOKbQy_U5M (Ja ću biti bor),
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSjnTXJrD-s&feature=youtu.be (Krizantema)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOe41xYhicg (Igra protona elektrona i neutrona)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7emRo5U4nd8 (Žal)

ŽEN photo by Kristijan Smok