

Queer Center

In the workshop my pause is political we will explore disobedient possibilities of pausing, self-care and care for each other. We pause as self-empowerment. We rest and refocus. We approach [...]


Queer Center

The workshop (dys)placed, will deliberate on the multiple and cascading destructions that mark the contemporary moment, which have brought about deep feelings of loss, disconnection and displacement - particularly among [...]


Queer Center

(english below the stars*) from 7. To 28. In July, Tristan Marie Despite exhibited at the Queeren Zentrum Kassel. We are moving between impacts of the climate crisis, seemingly self-evident capitalism and one [...]



ANIJURAMA - The band from Kassel, that turns the music scene on its head! ANIJURAMA consists of the Dennis brothers, Niklas and Davis and their friend Kevin. Founded in the middle of the [...]



H_U_T._ is an experimental music- and artist collective based in Tilburg (NL). Inspired by the pioneering spirit of the Fluxus movement, H_U_T._ embraces an open approach to artistic and musical freedom. Ihre [...]
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