4-hours league: open meeting

18:00 - 20:00

Club Commune, Kassel

Link to event

Dear comrades:within, dear interested,

We cordially invite you to the open meeting of the 4-Hour League Kassel on Wednesday, the 01.06., one 18 AM Club commune, Weserstraße 17, on.

After our powerful block on 1. th we want to use the momentum of spring, to talk about the possibilities together, radical reduction in working hours as a point of convergence for trade unions- , more feminist, Air conditioning- and to make the radical democratic movement strong and to advance it.

After a league performance, as it has worked in Kassel so far, we would like to talk to you about these and other content-related perspectives of our demand and then translate them into new activities.

All past and future competitors:inside and interested people are welcome, whether as an individual or a group representative:in.

We want to develop a vision for the future that is both connectable and open to design, which is worth fighting for and which already has the germ of another society and another principle – the political economy of the workers:interior class – carries within itself. We don't need much theory for that:

“And, twenty thousand organized, conscious and determined wage laborers are a more serious argument than the most logical and beautiful economic arguments! Behind every fist, which gathers in grim exasperation in this crowd, sits the Herculean strength of the whole twenty thousand! That is why you are respected, therefore one condescends, to negotiate with you today.” August Spies to enforce the 8-hour day, Chicago, 25. April 1886

Agree on the 4 hour requirement!
4-hour league, Kassel section
