exhibition exhibition

13.09. – 14.09.
16:00 – 20:00
Kassel main station, workinglass (opposite the track 1 Club)
Bahnsinn 2 – Especially now! Exhibition and live program 07.09.-22.09.2024 Kassel main station, workinglass (opposite the track 1 Club) other places: Stellwerk, Bali-Kinos (Poster boxes) Opening times: Fr/Sa 16-20 Clock, So 14-18 Clock (in the […]
13:00 – 18:00
Jugendbücherei Kassel, Top Lane 24, 34117 Kassel
Erstmalig wird die 4. interaktive Kinder- und Jugendbuchausstellung des storytales Festivals in der Jugendbücherei Kassel im Rahmen der interaktiven Wochen gezeigt. Passend zum diesjährigen MottoNeugierlassen sich vielfältige […]
10:00 – 13:00
Bebelplatz Kassel
It has been taking place around the world for many years 3. Friday in September the park(ing) Day statt, also in Kassel: There will be parking spaces, which are normally used monofunctionally, for a few hours on one […]
26.09. – 29.09.
Large Bali, Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1, 34117 Kassel
RANDFILMFEST#11 The Randfilmfest is celebrating with a lavish program in the Bali cinemas and the KiezKino in the film shop 11. output: The premiere, classic, Rediscoveries and young talent productions in short and feature films. In this […]
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