Feminist summer festival in Nordstadtpark

11:00 - 23:00

Somewhere else (tba), Please check event details for venue information

Link to event

One day before 2. feminist VV * we invite you to the summer party! We want to come together, get to know each other and talk about local and internationalist feminist struggles.

From 11 to 18 There are workshops on autonomous feminist organization (only FLINT **), on the Kurdish women's movement in times of war in southern Kurdistan and on the Zapatistas' journey through Europe. From 19 Clock will be the book “We know, what we want ”presented. Then we want to spend the evening together nicely, Listening to poems, Sing songs and have time to chat.

come over, join a workshop or just hang out with us in the park. We try, organize some food and drink, but it's best to bring something yourself.


11:00 – 13:00 Fight together: autonomous feminist organization
Workshop (only FLINT **)
13:00 – 14:30 Free space to eat and introduce the group & Initiatives

14:30 – 16:00

Gender Liberation in Times of War - Current Situation in Kurdistan
Lecture and discussion

16:30 – 18:30

The Zapatista Movement and the "Journey for Life"
Lecture and discussion

19:00 – 20:30

We know what we want. Women's revolution in the north- and Eastern Syria book launchLink to the book

from 21:00

End of the evening together with music &poems

You would like to introduce your group, Lay out material or contribute something to the evening program (z.B. Poems, Lieder o.Ä.)? Get in touch with us:

*The 2. Feminist General Assembly will take place on 08.08.2021 of 11:30 to 17 Clock in the Jahn wind farm at Dynamo Windrad. If you want to participate and for more information, contact us .

**FLINT means women, Lesbians, inter, non-binary and trans people