Women in the Resistance 1933 - 1945 (Please note opening hours!)

09:00 - 17:00

Town Hall Kassel


Link to event

Town Hall Kassel
Obere Königsstraße 8
2.upper floor, side hall

Opening times: single visitor:inside in the time from Mon - Thurs 8 till 17 o clock, Fr 8 until 3 p.m; If the development of the pandemic permits,. Guided tours for small groups possible, current information at www.addf‐kassel.de

I'm 8. May 2020 was the 75th anniversary of the "Day of Liberation" from National Socialist tyranny. Germany's military capitulation and liberation by the Allies was accompanied by active, multifaceted resistance from people throughout Europe. Numerous women were organized in this resistance. They fought for freedom, often at the risk of their lives, democracy and human rights, for international solidarity and a peaceful coexistence of peoples. The AddF and the German-French Forum Kassel brought together ten women from the German and French resistance in an exhibition, including Nora Platiel from Kassel and French ethnologist Germaine Tillion. Many of these portraits come from the volume Mit Mut und List edited by Florence Hervé. European women in resistance against fascism and war, Cologne 2020.

Current information is also available on the new website of the Kassel Women's Alliance: www.frauenbuendnis‐kassel.de

organizer:within: Archive of the German Women's Movement, German-French Forum Kassel.