Critical O week for students and non-students

19:45 - 21:45



Link to event

Not just for freshmen, but maybe also interesting for some other interested students and non-students.

Despite the corona restrictions, it will be again this year, so for the winter semester 2020, give a critical orientation phase again from the end of November, this time online.
All events start at 19:45 Clock.
The access data for the video conference room and the respective announcement texts can be found below and in detail this.

Sadly, but understandably, this year, due to Corona, an online program via video conference platforms has to be avoided. Unfortunately, therefore, no critical city tours can be offered and there is also no side effect, that man about the workshops, Vorträge, critical introductory events, discussions, Partys, Pubquiz, Getting to know each other, Readings and film screenings at the same time the various left, getting to know alternative and subcultural locations of the city from the inside. We hope so, that the slimmed-down online program provides at least a partial first overview of some political groups and issues in Kassel. These are of course incomplete and can be added later by other groups.


All appointments start at 19:45 Clock on zoom. The PASSWORD is ALWAYS “critical”, but the links vary:

Islamist & Turkish fascist movements and their structures in Kassel

Right skirt. Emergence – Genres – Narrative

Gynecology – Science of Woman and Life = N05sdHg4L0JNQ3YyMDVvM2Z6RnBrZz09

The market-oriented student

Info lecture about Rojava

Four hours are enough! Presentation of the 4-hour league