Read for beer | IDAHOBIT+ / Pride Version

20:00 - 22:30

Mutter, Kassel

Juhu! Read for beer – IDAHOBIT+ / Pride Edition!
So basically reading for QUEER!

It's important all the festivals & to celebrate memorial days, that we “miss” during the LfB summer break. Especially all the CSDs and the commemoration of the Stonewall Riots. What fits better?, as on 17.05., the international day against queer hostility, with a reading for queer(s & Friends & Allies) to wave and wave?

There are donation boxes for the Queere Zentrum Kassel and the CSD Kassel, that want to be filled! Bring queer lyrics! Otherwise it's as usual. Fun & Games & nonsense. Juhu!

Also fellow Queers, Grab the allies you trust and head to the mother 17.05.2024 | 20 Clock
Pride season is coming!

They follow in this description:
FAQ on Reading for Queer
FAQ about reading for beer in general
Barriers to the event

FAQ – Reading for queer

I must be queer myself?
No. But if you have something against queer people, then don't come. So don't go to our events anyway. Have you seen us?!

Was heißt queer?
Wir meinen mit queer hier alle Personen, deren sexuelles oder romantisches Begehren, Geschlecht oder Beziehungsform nicht der gesellschaftlichen Norm entsprechen. Also z.B. lesbian, schwule, bi+, trans, inter, ace, questioning etc. people. 🙂

Wofür steht IDAHOBITA+?!
International DAy against HOmo-, Bi-, Inter-, Trans-, Ace- & other Queerphobia (+).

Mehr Fragen? >>

FAQ – allgemein

Was ist Lesen für Bier?
Lesen für Bier ist eine Vorlesebühne, die von Lucas Fassnacht erfunden wurde. Das Publikum bringt dazu Texte mit: From reminder to assessment, Everything from dating profiles to children's books can be included. We are gradually pulling texts from this collection on stage. Then the person can, who brought the text with her, determine, wie Suse oder Leticia diesen Text vorlesen sollen: eulogy, Werbesendung oder ganz anders?

Finally, the audience decides, which was better; the text or the performance of the text. When the text wins, The person bringing them along gets one (non-alcoholic) Bier, when performance wins, then Suse or Leticia get one (non-alcoholic) Bier. FUN!

Muss ich selbst lesen?
No, nur Leticia, Suse oder geladene Gäst*innen müssen lesen.

Kann ich ernste Texte mitbringen?
Clear, aber eventuell lachen Leute (inkl. us) drüber. Das gilt auch für eigene Texte. Das ist nicht böse oder abwertend gemeint, But a lot can happen with LfB.

Read *all* the texts?
We read so many, how to fit into the evening. We don't read some texts (complete), because they may be scary or inflammatory.

Do I have to drink alcohol??
No. But there is alcohol and this is also visible throughout the evening.

The event takes place in German spoken language. Sometimes English texts are also read out.

The “Mutter” pub is not accessible to e-wheelchairs. There is a step at the entrance. The entrance and most doors are between 70-90cm wide. The mother has seats with and without armrests.

The location is a smoking bar, from 18 accessible for years & not a low-stimulus room.

There is a concept for dealing with aggression. There are notices in the entrance area and the toilets.

The pub does not have a guidance system for the blind and has some.... obstructed walking paths. The next stop on site is “Halitplatz”. There is limited paid parking available.