Art for cash XVI


Kulturzentrum Schlachthof (Kassel), Kassel

What the hell “Art for cash”?
It occurred a total of up to ten diverse artists in on *, read, play, to dance, to sing, perform magic tricks, make paint by numbers and all the other wonderful things beautiful road-worthy. Everybody has 7 Minutes for a charming show and to a characteristic Spardose. At the end of the evening, if you have seen all artists * inside, choose your coins and notes, Who is the capitalist pigs of the evening and thus winner * in. Sprich euer lang aufgehobener 100€-Schein kann die Entscheidung sein, wer den finalen Bühnenslot von 5-10 Minuten bekleiden darf. 🙂

Das Geld in den jeweiligen Spardosen geht als Gage an die Künstler*innen, damit niemand brotlos bleiben muss!

Hui! Da war Kunst gegen Bares und Suse Bock-Springer hatte so viel Grad Fieber, wie ihr Liebe im Gepäck hattet. Es war also heiß. Und Nils Früchtenicht der Zuckerrüpel war natürlich auch ein würdiger Ersatz! Nun ist ja schon fast ein neues Jahr, also muss es auch ein neues Kunst gegen Bares geben!
Bring the last remnants money gifts with! And love! And your good intentions, appreciate more art! And anyway. Invite times but all Flauschbauchis and sugar hearts a, that you know so and take her to the wonderful slaughterhouse! 🙂

Brings Omis € 100 bill and all your love letters and your bells and whistles for the artist * inside with!

From 20 Clock starts the fun, You passed through the evening again convalesced Suse Bock-Springer.

You dance, juggling, laughing, infringement, writing or singing? Write us for an upcoming time at!
If ye times on Stage join Mögt, because their great magic, to dance, to sing, laugh, Telling jokes, read or play an instrument can, dann meldet Euch via Facebook oder per Mail an .

We are pleased the ass flat! ♥
