Lecture with Tom Uhlig: Conspiracy Theories and Anti-Semitism in the Present

18:00 - 20:30


Lecture on Wednesday, 16.12. one 18 Clock:

“The truth is much more frightening: Nobody is in control "
Conspiracy Theories and Anti-Semitism in the Present

Referent: Tom Uhlig (Educational institution Anne Frank)
Moderation: Mobile consulting team Hessen

“Since the corona pandemic, an explosion is more conspiracy theoretic
Narratives in public space, be it on the internet or on the
road, to observe. The latent conspiracy ideological
Crisis situations reveal potential in the population
swept. In the worst case, they become violent, like that
Assassination attempt in Halle.
Conspiracy theories dictate, to make the world more understandable. You suggest, to convey a secret knowledge, that saves their followers from swooning. In the last instance, conspiracy ideologies are repeatedly directed against Jews, which must serve as the embodiment of uncanny power.”

Organized by the:

Alliance for an emancipatory Witzenhausen without conspiracy thinking
and anti-Semitism

The lecture takes place via zoom, Registrations by mail:
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