18:00 - 20:00
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof (Kassel), Kassel
You always have to ask first, before you can go to the toilet? You are afraid to criticize your teachers or colleagues? Oder du wirst als Schulbegleitung konsequent übergangen und nicht mit einbezogen?
Wer darf in der Schule entscheiden und was hat das mit der viel beschworenen Erziehung zur Mündigkeit zu tun? Wer gilt als mündig und wer nicht? Wir wollen uns mit den verschiedenen Dimensionen von Macht in der Schule beschäftigen und die große Frage stellen, was es gesellschaftlich und in der Schule eigentlich bräuchte, wenn es um eine Erziehung zur Mündigkeit geht.
The event is part of the series of events “School criticism in Kassel”.
are invited: Students, parents, teachers, school social workers, school companions, school psychologists, student teachers and all, who deal with school every day and want to deal more with critical perspectives on school.
The event is in the form of a discussion- and exchange frames. There will be different options, himself with the topic (in the form of songs, The text, conversations etc) too busy. We will also try it out directly at the event, how we can shape education differently. No theoretical or other previous knowledge is required.
If you like, you are cordially invited to stay for a cool drink after the event and continue to exchange ideas & to network.
For more informations, Questions and suggestions write an email to:
Weitere Termine der Veranstaltungsreihe sind am 31.10 and 14.11.
The events take place in German spoken language. There will be an English translation. If you need any other form of translation/interpretation, to be able to take part in the event, write an email to .
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
Raum 10.1.2
Mombachstraße 10
34127 Kassel
The room can be reached with an elevator at ground level and is therefore also accessible for wheelchair users. Appropriate sanitary facilities are also available.
If you would like to participate, but you do this for other reasons (from. B Child care) not possible, feel free to write an email.
Education towards Autonomy – What does it mean and how does this (not) work?
You always have to ask before you can go to the toilet? Are you afraid to criticise your teachers or colleagues? Or you are consistently ignored and not included as a school assistant?
Who is allowed to make decisions at school and what does this have to do with the much-vaunted education to autonomy? Who is considered autonomous and who is not? We want to look at the different dimensions of power in schools and ask what is actually needed in society and in schools when it comes to education for autonomy.
The event is part of the series of events “School Critique in Kassel”.
Invited are: Pupils, parents, teachers, school social workers, school support workers, school psychologists, student teachers and all those who are involved with schools on a daily basis and want to get to know more about critical perspectives on schools.
The event is intended as a platform for discussion and exchange. There will be different opportunities to engage with the topic (in the form of songs, texts, conversations, etc.). In addition, we will directly try out in the event itself how we can shape education differently. No theoretical or other previous knowledge is required.
Those who like are welcome to stay after the event for a drink and further exchange & networking.
For more information, questions and suggestions send an email to:
Further dates in the series are 31.10 and 14.11.
The event is primarily held in German spoken language. There will be a translation into English. If you need any other translation/interpretation to participate well in the event, please send me an email.
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
Raum 10.1.2
Mombachstraße 10
34127 Kassel
The room can be reached by a lift and is therefore also accessible for wheelchair users. Appropriate sanitary facilities are also available.
If you would like to participate but are unable to do so for other reasons (e.g. childcare), please send me an email.