

invite, Wilhelmshöher Allee 123

Die Ausstellung wird, ausgehend von ihrem Titel, Steine, Photographs, Text und mehr zeigen. »Bunte Steine« ist zunächst der Titel eines 1853 erschienen Bändchens mit sechs Erzählungen von Adalbert Stifter. While [...]


Waldau future shop

SDG 7: Bezahlbare und saubere Energie Mit einer Lerngruppe von 8-20 jungen Menschen wollen wir in diesem Workshop spielerisch das Prinzip Photovoltaik kennen lernen. Hierbei diskutieren wir das Grundprinzip hinter [...]


district- and school library in the Waldau Open School, Stegerwaldstraße 45

SDG 3: Health and well-being of Dirk Schnieder from the Kassel School Biology Center & Water Adventure House Fuldatal shows us interesting facts about climate change at various stations where we can do our own research, Adaptation strategies and climate protection. Then we do it [...]


Forest garden at Wahlebach, between Wahlebach and the “forest area” allotment garden area

SDG 15: Leben an Land Jeden Donnerstagnachmittag findet im Waldgarten am Wahlebach das gemeinsame Gärtnern mit dem Umwelt- and garden office of the city of Kassel. Under the motto "Waldau WE:d design" [...]



Thursday is pub night! We invite you to a colorful pub evening in our bar every Thursday! Between delicious, cheap drinks and relaxed bar music - every now and then from the hands of local DJs [...]


Club Commune

Discussion round: Radical reduction in working hours - An anti-fascist demand? About the 4 hour league: Fewer (Lohn-)working conditions! More time for the really important things! To advance this claim, the 4-hour league meets every two weeks [...]



We have a weekly offer for all of you, who like to sing or play guitar at campfire level (or both!) and would like to do this together with other people. We meet [...]
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