Two weeks before the Hessian state elections, numerous parties were, as always, present in the Kassel interior, to take advantage of the sunny election campaign weekend. For the AfD, however, Saturday went differently than planned.

300 People were on the morning of 23. September followed the call to protest against the AfD. An anti-fascist demonstration from Nordstadt reached Friedrichsplatz in downtown Kassel before the right-wing party.
Frustrating hours followed for the AfD: With loud slogans, They held out surrounded by the police and shielded from the demonstrators, only to dismantle their information stand in the early afternoon without having accomplished anything and to the cheers of those present.
The deputy head of the AfD who came especially for this purpose, Stephen Brander, reached the AfD meeting significantly late. He was then no longer able to deliver the speech he had announced due to the volume.
The co-organizers of Antifa Kassel gave a positive conclusion to the press office after the demonstration: Right-wing propaganda in the interior was successfully prevented and the AfD's day was also ruined. At the same time, passers-by repeatedly spontaneously joined the protest, we are very happy about that.
The AfD itself spoke of a “very intense experience”. Kassel now has “the reputation of being an Antifa stronghold”.