800 Protesters are on Sunday, the 28.01.2024 the call of the newly founded alliance “Kassel against the right” followed, to protest against the AfD and the societal shift to the right. The Kassel AfD had previously invited people to a New Year's reception that day. This had to be postponed and then canceled completely.

Moved last Sunday 800 Antifascists confidently walk through Kassel city center. Banners and signs were on display, which read “No room for the AfD”, “Right leads to ruin” and “Whether peaceful or militant – our answer is resistance”. What happened in Kassel last week, that this demo happened?
After the large demonstration against the AfD in Kassel on 20.01.2024 A new anti-fascist alliance was founded in Kassel. There were more than 1,000 people at the first meeting last week 200 people came. The alliance has set itself the goal, to organize broad protests from below in Kassel against the AfD and the shift to the right in society as a whole - such as the recent tightening of asylum law.
Immediately after the founding meeting, the alliance mobilized for a demonstration against the AfD's New Year's reception. Originally the New Year's reception was for... 28.01. planned in the cafeteria of the Unterneustadt elementary school. After it became known, various sides publicly criticized it and called for protests.

The school management as well as parents and students criticized it in the middle of the week, that the city's decision to rent the Unterneustadt school cafeteria was made over their heads. The AfD's decision to celebrate the new year in a migrant school was seen as a particular provocation.
The “Kassel Against the Right” alliance also criticized, that the AfD meeting should take place in the former “JVA Elwe” building, which about 30 was used as a deportation detention center for years.
„Already before 30 For years there have been widespread counter-protests against state racism on the Elwe, Today it's time to get back on the road: against AfD, Shift to the right and the stricter deportation policy!“
Call for demonstration on 28.01.
As a result of public pressure, the Kassel AfD decided to move the New Year's reception to the remote industrial area of Waldau. Protests formed again – “Kassel against the Right” called for a bicycle demonstration. The AfD was ultimately forced to cancel its celebrations.
“Kassel against the Right” viewed this rejection as a success for the alliance and called for people to take to the streets anyway, to celebrate the effective intervention against the AfD. With 800 The alliance marched loudly through demonstrators through downtown Kassel. Among the chants were “The whole of Kassel hates the AfD” and “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here“.

The prevention of the New Year's reception is part of a series of successful anti-fascist protests against the AfD in Kassel. As early as autumn, an AfD election campaign stand was largely shielded from the public. As a result of a demonstration, the AfD Kassel decided to do this, to no longer hold their regular get-togethers in the Marbachshöhe restaurant.
The “Kassel Against the Right” alliance appears self-confident after the events of last week: “The party no longer dares, to hold their event here in Kassel.”
Am 02.02. calls the alliance with tailwind to the next meeting. Further information can be found on Instagram account “Kassel against the right“.