Self-image of the press office

The Pressestelle is a journalistic online platform for Kassel and the surrounding area. she got as a sub-project of Decentralized with the launch of the website in January 2020 brought to life.

Following our motto, This platform wants to , what in Kassel and the surrounding area actually everything happens, complements the Pressestelle the calendar of events by a section for Local journalism.

Our reporting is truthful and factual, but not arbitrarily. We stand by their side, those in public otherwise only rarely be heard. We understand that as a commitment to a enlightened and critical public; and that is what it takes for them Solidarity and fair society in which we would like to live. from our journalistic work is based on this. That’s what we stand for and don't try, our position behind supposed neutrality hide.

The Pressestelle by the editorial collective, a working group within the Decentralized-Konglomerats. We are working on the and for the Pressestelle after quitting time, voluntarily and out of conviction. That is exhausting, but should like that be. As a result, we are independent of the coercion of economic thinking and Profit maximization. We can do, what we want and what we do for hold important! The downside: We don't have unlimited time and certainly cannot cover everything, what we would like to cover. if you think that's a shame too, just join us.

How does it work Pressestelle?

The Pressestelle is operated by the editorial collective and is a working group within the Decentralized. About organizational and structural issues Pressestelle we decide by consensus.

All published articles are read by at least two people from the editorial team according to the four-eyes principle. The editorial team edits all submitted contributions and, in case of doubt, decides on their publication. It is about spelling and legibility as well as about it, whether the contribution corresponds to the principles of our project.

Opinions and comments are made by us as such marked.

As the editorial team, we feel that the press code of the Presserats established ethical standards for journalism Committed.

Debate medium without Comment column

We have the comment function under our contributions deliberately deactivated. We look forward to your comments anyway! That sounds contradicting itself, but is easily explained: Because you can quickly find yourself in the comment column upset "Fuck yourselves!!1“Hack, we have the hurdle for that Writing comments raised a bit. So if you have an article want to comment, Just write us an email; at best in one format, that meets the criteria for submitted articles and we publish your comment. We hope that this will produce a lively one Culture of debate (and less insults).

The Pressestelle recruits

You feel like, for the Pressestelle to write? Great! Contact us with your ideas and we will think about it together, how they can be realized. You can also submit finished articles, very straightforward by e-mail. Either once or regularly as an author. The editorial collective is open to fellow campaigners. If you have the Pressestelle also want to provide organizational support, Can you for Mail reach.