Rally against police violence

Knapp 100 People have on 31. March 2021 Demonstrated against police violence in front of the main train station. The rally was held at short notice on the occasion of a current case of police violence, which had happened the previous evening in Kassel, called.

On Tuesday evening a group of young women bathed in the Fulda, when they noticed, that they were photographed by an older man. They challenged him, refrain from taking photographs, whereupon this, an ex-cop, the police called. Instead of investigating the situation, the police wanted to record the women's personal details. One woman refused, to indicate their personal details. She was then physically held on the floor by four policemen and handcuffed to the police station. There she had to go, such a friend of the woman, completely undress. A female friend, who had filmed the incident in the floodplain, the cell phone was taken away by the police without a seizure protocol.

Several people spoke in the speeches at the rally, who were also present at the incident. They said they were stunned by the police officers' brutality towards their friend. That the women were treated as the guilty by the police and not the man, who would have taken photos of the women, be pure perpetrator-victim reversal, such a speaker. She demanded, to drop the message against the women. Another person, talked about it, that in the past, as a victim of sexual violence, she was often advised not to report it to the police, because she did not fight back. Now she has resisted, by asking the man kindly, refrain from taking photographs. The police have now reacted so violently. In their eyes they don't go together.

In addition, people spoke at the open microphone, who have experienced police violence in the past due to attributed political affiliation or racist attributions. On the one hand, the speeches emphasized powerlessness, which many victims face in situations of police violence. But it was also emphasized, that there are possibilities, Support those affected through solidarity.

The institution of the police as a whole was often criticized in the speeches, because in it racism and sexism are structurally laid out. The requirements, how to deal with the problem of police violence, spread widely from the demand for sexism- and racism-sensitive training in the police up to its complete abolition as a state repressive organ.