“Why is the culprit still not found?”

In memory of the attempted murder of minicar driver Efe in June 2020 activists have on the night of 15. on the 16 March imitation wanted posters distributed throughout Kassel. The posters draw attention to the hitherto unsuccessful search for the perpetrator and the lack of investigative success.

Am 21. June 2022 the minicar driver Efe became a target during his working hours racist attempted murder. When Efe wanted to drop off his passenger at the corner of Fraunhoferstrasse and Knutzenstrasse and asked him to pay for the journey, he racially insulted him and then stabbed the minicar driver in the neck with a knife. He was then able to save himself to a nearby hospital and survived the life-threatening attack. The perpetrator is still at large.

Efe is still suffering from the physical and psychological consequences of the crime. He lives in fear, to meet the perpetrator again and fears, that the perpetrator could or has already done something to other people. Since the night of the crime he has not been able to work again and is in therapeutic treatment every week.

With their poster campaign, the activists want to draw attention to this, that almost two years after the crime, no perpetrator has been found.

“We want to show the perpetrator, that we won't leave him alone, that we do not forget his racist act! And we want to show solidarity with Efe, because we have not forgotten him and his struggle.”

Luca Alt, involved in the poster campaign

On the poster, the perpetrator is identified as male, that. 30 to 35 year old, 1,75 m to 1,80 m tall, normal to strong build, Accent free German, no abnormalities like glasses, Beard or similar described. He was wearing a dark blue open sweatshirt and blue jeans. Besides the statements of Efe also exist two video recordings from surveillance cameras from the night of the crime.

The activists are also making a splash with their poster fundraising campaign attentive, the 2020 was initiated and is still running. She is supposed to help Efe cover his living expenses, because he can no longer work as a result of the attack. To date, €5,464 has been raised – the goal of the campaign is €10,000.

The attempted murder of Efe is not an isolated case and must be counted among a series of right-wing acts of violence in Kassel. Thus the deed went to Efe u.a. the murder of Halit Yozgat (2006), the assassination attempt on Ahmed I. (2016) and the murder of Walter Lübcke (2020) ahead. “The seriousness of the act and the racist motive are unmistakable. The deeds must never be forgotten and the investigations into the Efe case must finally lead to a successful search.", continues Luca Alt.